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How to Bolster Your Immune System

How to Bolster Your Immune System

“While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control
what happens inside us…” – Benjamin Franklin
As Benjamin Franklin suggests, while it is impossible at times to control the many
things that happen, we do have some control over what happens inside our
bodies. Our bodies are a reflection of our inner health. If we eat well and
exercise, our bodies are more likely to perform well.
When we eat junk food and forget to care for our bodies, fail to wash our hands
or engage in other activities that promote sickness, often we become sick. Most
people give up during the winter, with the feeling that it is impossible to stay
healthy and not get sick. This simply isn‟t true.
Your Body May Always Be Under Attack… But You CAN Fight
No matter the time of year your body is always susceptible to attack; it could be
the common cold, the flu, food poisoning or some other virus you contracted at
the play ground while watching your best friend‟s four year old. Disease is
everywhere. That doesn‟t mean you are powerless to control disease. There are
many steps you can take to bolster your immune system yearly. What are these
We‟ll talk more about them later. First, you have to understand how disease
works and when you are most likely to become ill. Once you understand this
everything else will fall into place. So, when are you most susceptible to illness?


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